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Home – ITA Industrial

Sectors of the ITA Industrial

  • qualidade3

    Quality sector

    Discover how ITA Industrial’s quality department ensures product excellence. Learn about our processes, certifications and commitment to customer satisfaction.
  • fachada ita industrial


    ITA Industrial is a leading producer of Industrial Gas Valves, Natural Gas Fire Extinguishers, Electrical Terminals and Custom Forged Non-Ferrous Metal Parts in the Brazilian industrial market. Operating in several segments, with a qualified and equipped team for all stages of manufacturing.
  • sob encomenda forja ita industrial1

    Setor de produção

    Na vanguarda da produção personalizada, a ITA Industrial une engenharia especializada e tecnologia avançada, incluindo prensas de forjamento até 450 toneladas, tornos CNC e injetoras de até 300 toneladas. Oferecemos forjaria, usinagem, injeção, serigrafia, montagem e ferramentaria de alta precisão.
  • Engineering sector

Product lines

Get to know our product lines for various segments.

World Reference in
Manufacture of Industrial Valves

Years of Experience
Certified Products

Referência Mundial na
Fabricação de Válvulas Industriais

Anos de Experiência
Produtos Certificados

Projeto e Fabricação
de Produtos Personalizados

Active and Passive EngineeringAdvanced Testing LaboratoryCertified in National and International StandardsOptimized production for large volumes

Our clients

Some of our main clients.

Latest news

Follow our news, participation in fairs and also articles on innovations and project development.

  • ensaio de pressao

    ITA Industrial and ITALAB: Raising valve quality through in-house testing

  • zabbix vs prtg

    A preocupação da ITA Industrial com a qualidade das válvulas: Excelência em cada detalhe