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ITA Industrial is a leading producer of Industrial Gas Valves, Natural Gas Fire Extinguishers, Electrical Terminals and Custom Forged Non-Ferrous Metal Parts in the Brazilian industrial market. Operating in several segments, with a qualified and equipped team for all stages of manufacturing.

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Meet ITA Industrial

Welcome to ITA Industrial Ltda., a leading company in the Brazilian industrial market since 1973.

With a 24,000m² plot of land and over 8,000m² of built area, we are located in Embu das Artes, in Greater São Paulo.

We produce a wide variety of products in two industrial divisions – Metals and Thermoplastics.

Our six product lines include Anti-Fire, Industrial Gases, Natural Vehicle Gas, Electrical Terminals, Plastic Packaging and On-Demand Parts.

We operate in a wide range of segments, including the food, automotive, railway, sanitary metals, agricultural implements, electrical equipment, firefighting, industrial gases, cutting and welding, energy distribution, civil construction and components in general.

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Innovation, quality and leadership that shape the Brazilian industrial scenario.

linhas de produtos

Areas of Practice

It currently has the following divisions: Anti-Fire, Industrial Gases, Natural Vehicle Gas, Electric Terminals, Plastic Packaging, On-Demand Parts, Breathable Air, Fixed Fire Suppression Systems and Autonomous Diving (Scuba). It is NBR ISO 9001:2015 Certified.

  • plastic packing final transparente1
    Plastic Packaging
    Thermoplastic Injected Packaging made with non-toxic raw material and high quality and resistance.
  • produtos personalizados 11
    Products On Order
    Technical, intelligent and differentiated solutions for our customers. Do your project with us.
  • eletric pannel square final transp1
    Electrical Terminals for Distribution Transformers
    Our range of Electrical Terminals for Distribution Transformers, developed to meet the demands of industrial, building and urban and rural transmission lines.
  • antifire valve final1
    Valves and Actuators for Fixed Fire Fighting Systems
    Our line of Valves, Actuators and Components for Fixed Fire Fighting Systems is used in several areas, with different types of actuation.
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    Breathable Air Cylinder Valves
    Our range covers an extensive range of valves for compressed air cylinders used in autonomous breathing equipment.
  • cylinder chlorine 2 final1
    Valves for Chlorine Cylinders
    Valve designed to establish, control and stop chlorine flow accurately and reliably.
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    Valves for Pressurized Gas Cylinders
    Complete line of Valves for Industrial Gases compressed at low, medium and high pressures.
  • scuba diving1
    Valves for Diving Cylinders
    Introducing the ITA Industrial Safety VALVE YOKE Faucet, a piece that unites innovation and reliability for those passionate about the underwater world.
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    Tetrafluoroethane Cylinder Valves
    Designed to meet the specific requirements of handling this refrigerant gas, this valve is the reliable answer for a variety of applications, from refrigeration systems to industrial processes.
  • Valves for Fire Extinguishers
    The range of Valves for Fire Extinguishers is internationally known for its quality and variety. Over 20 years of industry leadership.
  • natural gas versao final1
    Valves for Vehicles powered by Natural Gas Vehicle (GNV)
    ITA Industrial CNG Vehicle Valves are the top choice for those seeking quality, safety and performance in vehicular natural gas systems. Certified by Inmetro, our valves are rigorously tested to ensure exceptional safety standards.

What we stand for

Our mission, values and vision are the foundations that shape tomorrow, guiding us in the relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation.

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Provide innovative and quality solutions for customers, always seeking excellence in our processes and products, and contributing to the development of the Brazilian industrial market.

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To be recognized as the leading company in innovative and quality industrial solutions in the Brazilian market, expanding our operations and acting in new segments and global markets.

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Commitment to quality and excellence in our products and services.
Focus on the customer and their needs, always seeking solutions that meet their expectations.
Respect for safety, health and the environment in our operations.
Valuing our employees, promoting a safe and healthy work environment, with opportunities for personal and professional development.
Ethics and transparency in all our relationships.

badge ita industrial

50 years experience

With decades of experience in the manufacture of parts in brass, copper, aluminum and thermoplastics, the ITA Industrial it has acquired a huge know-how, which makes it a reference in the market. The company is prepared to serve its customers at all stages, from design, planning, construction, production, assembly and finishing, to the final product.

1973 Fundacao Italforja em Santo Amaro 1024x1024 1973

Foundation of Italforja Metallurgical Industry Ltda. in Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, by Italian engineer Armando Caruso, producing carbon steel hardware for electric power distribution utilities and components for sanitary metals.

1976 Inicio Producao Forjados Nao Ferrosos 1976

Starts producing custom forgings on metals.

1978 Mudanca da ITALFORJA para Embu das Artes 1978

The factory is moved to a new and larger shed in Embu da Artes. Develops its line of electrical terminals for transformers.

1980 Lancamento Linha de Valvulas Anti Incendio 1980

It enters the market of valves for fire extinguishers and the following year increases its share after the incorporation of the company Mavec that already worked in this sector.

1981 a 83 Linha de Fundicao 1981-1983

Maintains a foundry sector producing records and hydraulic fire fighting equipment.

1983 Lancamento linha de valvulas de alta pressao 1024x1024 1983

Launches high pressure valve line for industrial gases.

1985 1995 1985-1995

Produces an extensive line of brass and stainless steel connections for hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

1988 Entra no ramo de injecao de termoplasticos 1988

She enters the thermoplastic injection business, buying the company Rojal Plastics and, two years later, is transferred to a new warehouse next to Italforja, in Embu das Artes.

1993 Unificacao e Mudanca de Nome para ITA Industrial 1993

It unifies the companies Italforja and Rojal, becoming ITA Industrial Ltda.

2003 Ingressa no Mercado de GNV 2003

Enter the natural gas market with the launch of innovative valves.

2007 incrementa linha de gases e lanca reguladores sem o nome 2007

Increases its line of industrial gases with the launch of pressure regulators. Starts manufacturing of its industrial plastic packaging line.

2010 Entra na Linha de Valvulas de Ar respiravel com a VTI Ventil 2010

Enter the line of valves for breathable air and fire suppression systems with the official partnership and distribution of the German company VTI Ventil Technik GmbH.

montagem 2022

Launches its first chlorine cylinder valves and enters the underwater diving market with the launch of an innovative line of dive cylinder valves.

2023 Atualmente 2023

Increases its participation in the line of fire suppression systems with the partnership and official distribution of the Italian company OML – Officine Meccaniche Lombarde S.r.l.


Social Responsibility

At ITA Industrial, we believe that social responsibility goes beyond the production of quality products. Since 1973, we have been committed to promoting significant improvements in the lives of our employees and in the development of the Embu region of the Arts, where we are firmly established.

Improvements for Our Employees: We value each member of our team, providing an environment conducive to professional growth.

Development of Embu das Artes: We contribute to the sustainable development of the region, generating jobs and opportunities.

Direct and Third-Party Partners: We maintain ethical and transparent relationships with our partners by sharing detailed technical information about our products.

Contribution to Society: We provide essential information about our products to promote safe and responsible practices across a range of industries.

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Respect for society, partners and employees, promoting significant improvements in our region.

The industry that think tomorrow
and invests in society today.

Supporting Social Projects
Ton. of Recycled Materials
Benefited Families

Other information about ITA Industrial

ITA Industrial recognizes the fundamental importance of adopting technical standards in its operations. The application of established industry standards is essential to ensure the quality, safety and reliability of your products. Adopting technical standards provides a solid foundation for process standardization, continuous improvement, compliance with government regulations, and customer satisfaction. By adhering to these standards, ITA Industrial demonstrates its commitment to delivering high-quality products, fostering innovation, meeting customer expectations and achieving a high level of excellence in its industry.


Our customers

Some of our main clients.


Latest news

Follow our news, participation in fairs and also articles on innovations and project development.

  • ensaio de pressao
    ITA Industrial and ITALAB: Raising valve quality through in-house testing
    3 de February de 2025
  • zabbix vs prtg
    A preocupação da ITA Industrial com a qualidade das válvulas: Excelência em cada detalhe
    3 de June de 2023

Sectors of ITA Industrial

  • qualidade3
    Quality sector
  • sob encomenda forja ita industrial1
    Production sector
  • Etteplan enginering solutions1
    Engineering sector