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Production sector

At the forefront of custom manufacturing, ITA Industrial combines specialized engineering and advanced technology, including forging presses up to 450 tons, CNC lathes and injection molding machines up to 300 tons. We offer forging, machining, injection, screen printing, assembly and high-precision tooling.


Meet our production sector

Welcome to the production area of ITA Industrial. Here, we highlight our expertise in the creation and development of custom parts, offering intelligent and differentiated technical solutions for our customers. From planning to the final product, each step is carefully executed by the same team, ensuring the exceptional quality that sets us apart in the market.

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Strict quality standards in the manufacture of valves for gases.


The complete production cycle

With an agile, complete and organized production line, ITA Industrial has the machinery and know-how to deliver your order according to your requirements with speed and guaranteed quality.

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With forging presses of up to 450 tons of strength, we are able to produce hot forged parts in non-ferrous alloys such as brass, aluminum and copper. Our modern machines guarantee the precision and quality required for parts up to 5 kg.

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We perform machining on ferrous and non-ferrous metals, catering to serial production with small, medium or large batches. We have machining centers equipped with pallet racks, CNC lathes with driven radial tools, automatic CNC lathes with automatic feeders, Swiss CNC lathes with automatic feeders, traditional automatic lathes, transfer machines and dedicated machining cells.

injecao e serigrafia ita industrial

Injection and screen printing

Our injection capacity includes fast cycling of plastic parts, weighing up to 1.3 kg of polypropylene equivalent. In addition, we offer automatic screen printing in up to 3 colors, ensuring an exceptional visual finish.



We have dedicated cells for serial assembly, where the parts are carefully joined to form the final product.We perform tightness tests to ensure the quality and durability of the assembled parts.

ferramentaria ita industrial


Our complete and qualified tooling allows the construction and maintenance of all the tools, devices and molds necessary for production. In this way, we guarantee total control over the process and the ability to meet the specific demands of our customers.


Manufacture of products to order

Our On-Demand Parts line encompasses several specialized areas, each contributing to the production of forged, machined, injected and/or assembled parts of high complexity. Here are some of the advantages you can expect when choosing ITA Industrial for your custom production needs.

At ITA Industrial, excellence in custom production is our priority. With a specialized team and state-of-the-art equipment, we are ready to meet your demands with quality, precision and efficiency. Contact us to learn more about our custom production services and how we can help your business reach new heights.

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Our team follows the development of your project from beginning to end.

Maquinário excepcional

Com décadas de experiência em fabricação de peças em latão, cobre, alumínio e termoplásticos, a ITA Industrial adquiriu um enorme know-how, o que a torna uma referência no mercado. A empresa está preparada para atender seus clientes em todas as etapas, desde o projeto, planejamento, construção, produção, montagem e acabamento, até o produto final.

Prensas de forjaria de 60 a 450 toneladas de força de forjamento.

Prensas para estamparia de até 120 toneladas.

Centros de usinagem com porta pallets.

Tornos CNC com ferramentas radiais acionadas.

Tornos automáticos CNC com alimentadores automáticos.

Tornos tipo suíço CNC com alimentadores automáticos.

Tornos automáticos tradicionais.

Máquinas transfers.

Células de usinagem dedicadas.

Laminadoras de rosca.

Tanques vibratórios para abrilhantamento de peças.

Injetoras CNC de 35 a 300 toneladas de força de fechamento, com acumuladores para injeção em ciclo rápido.

Máquinas serigráficas automáticas de altíssima velocidade para impressão em 3 cores.


Synchronized engineering

We have a highly qualified engineering team, specialized in projects, research and development of products, processes, devices and tools. We use advanced software, such as CAD, CAE and CAM, which allow the creation of 3D models, simulation of forging and machining, as well as finite element analysis.

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Develop your project together with our specialized team.


Latest news

Follow our news, participation in fairs and also articles on innovations and project development.

  • ensaio de pressao
    ITA Industrial and ITALAB: Raising valve quality through in-house testing
    3 de February de 2025
  • zabbix vs prtg
    A preocupação da ITA Industrial com a qualidade das válvulas: Excelência em cada detalhe
    3 de June de 2023

Sectors of ITA Industrial

  • qualidade3
    Quality sector
  • fachada ita industrial
  • Etteplan enginering solutions1
    Engineering sector